Washroom Services
We know that all companies are different and therefore we strive to supply quality washroom services and products tailored to your companies needs.
Elite Washrooms are a trusted and experienced provider of high quality, cost effective hygiene and washroom Services.
Clean and safe washroom facilities are vital for every office and business, and we can help you maintain the best washroom hygiene through our range of washroom services and hygienic solutions.
We are committed to delivering the best hygiene solutions for offices and businesses, with hundreds of satisfied customers across the country.
No matter what your needs are, Elite Washrooms is a trusted supplier with market leading washroom solutions to meet your every requirement.
We ensure that the appropriate products are always installed and serviced both to satisfy current legislation regarding the disposal of clinical and controlled waste from commercial premises, and to provide a cleaner, more welcoming environment for employees, customers and visitors alike.
Our washroom hygiene systems include feminine hygiene solutions, hand drying solutions, hand hygiene systems, urinal water savers and washroom vending machines and clinical waste disposal units.
For more information about our professional washroom services and washroom supplies, please contact us now
Free Risk Assessment
Choose the wrong washroom services supplier and you could expose your company to a £5,000 fine under the Duty of Care legislation. Find out now if you are at risk!
Elite’s Big Differentiator
We are the only company to recycle 100% of all waste we collect and we are an approved waste transfer station…
What does this mean?
Take just 10 minutes out to complete our Risk Assessment all of which will help you to understand the importance of choosing the right Washroom Services provider.
It will at least give you an appreciation of the complex legislation surrounding waste removal.